Following a sudden change in life, Charlotte Bresson embarks on a road trip across six American states, capturing images along the way that are commonly seen as modern "clichés." Within the 132-page book, the artist's emotions seamlessly intertwine with the diverse landscapes and cultures encountered, as well as with the conversation she engages in with the sociologist Mikaël Salaün, free from any taboo. This combination offers a unique view of the American experience, with a backdrop of America sometimes far removed from the image one might have of it.
This journey resulted in a beautiful publication, with artistic direction led by Emma Poupy. To emphasize the documentary quality of this project, a simple Swiss layout was chosen, aiming to align with the book's authentic content. Like driving on a highway, readers travel through the landscapes Charlotte explored, shedding light on her work and emotional journey.
Editorial Design
Art Direction
Breaking away from the usual conceptual chatter and technical-artistic justifications, a photographer decides to engage in a biographical and photographic "conversation", based on a section of her work, not with a therapist or psychoanalyst, but with a sociologist whom she meets on the spur of the moment, without the slightest taboo. The realities of the photographer's life unravel in conversation.
"Then one day, I grabbed my survival instinct under my arm. And my car. And I remembered that I was first and foremost (or at least, also) a photographer."